Ah yes. Dead trees with Ink sprayed on them. Truly one of the most morbid ways to describe books, but it’s a way I may have described them in the recent past. However… I have recently developed quite a liking for books, Specifically, Programming books and Personal Development books! And I’m about to go into some sort of depth as to why! What books do I currently own? I have purchased a bunch of books within the last few months, More so than I could ever read in those months, but I do intend to go through them all!
Here are all the posts tagged with the tag: C
Well… I guess its that time of year again where I try advent of code and see how long it takes before I want to kill myself… And this year… I am committed to doing it in C89. Why C89? C89 is a language I have fought with since I did COSC242 in university. It is a very stripped down version of C, with little to no mercy given to the programmer.