Life Without Internet

I am currently writing this post from my flat where i have mostly without internet for almost a week. After this time, i think i have learnt a fair bit more about technology and humanity as a whole, which i aim to share with you in this post


I feel that most of us have built up some kind of reliance for internet without realising it. The internet has a lot of our stuff now on it, and a lot of things that we may want to do are somewhat impossible without internet. A few of my scripts i was using to program just stopped working as i never designed them with the thought of a lack of internet access, so i would be redesigning them if i actually knew how to. I feel that when people often say “I could live a year without internet”, i do not really think they could, which leads me to my next point


The internet is a very warm and comfy place for most of us, and we spend out days using it to be productive, or communicate. Even though i am not huge on internet communication, as i have yet to learn all the ins and outs of it, i still feel incredibly isolated by not having access to it. If something terrible were to happen to me, i don’t know how i would go about letting anyone know. That isn’t a comfortable feeling.


I have briefly touched on this point. But since my internet was down, i decided it might be a good time to catch up on some ricing and programming on my new arch install. However, it is incredibly hard to learn a new language with only a book and no internet to help you with small errors that you may come across. This is also made harder by a side note, that my introduction to algorithms still hasn’t arrived, even after 4 months of being in the post. Not having some of the more advanced fs-mounting utilities was also quite difficult as i struggled to get all my books off my phone and onto my computer to use them.

I think it is quite interesting how much we all take the internet for granted and how little can actually be done with absence from the internet. I should be getting internet again on the 2nd of January, which is when this post SHOULD be up, if not earlier if i work out some work around

Keep your realities separate...
